Linux Server Diary

The trials and tribulations of a Linux newbie trying to setup a home server.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Planning for Samba

I'm going to install Samba today, but I haven't really decided how I will set things up. My first task was to read the old posts from last time.

It was important at the time to allow each user to designate some files as public and others as private, and I also talked about having files viewable to only my wife and I. However, no one else but me knows how to do that, and no one seems to care. I myself haven't used that feature, except for testing. This time, I may setup just one user that we all share.

With that change, I won't need to (or be able to) setup a Home directory for each user mapped to H: on the clients. Once again, no one cares.

This could be easier!

I'm going to review the smb.conf file from the existing server today, and install the software on the new one. We'll see how it goes.



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