IDE Card - Day 4
The support team at Promise is nothing if not prompt. Here is the next response:
Some Compaq system bios are proprietary and does not like third party hardware to be added. To confirm if the controller is bad or not do you have another system where you can tested this ultra133 TX2 this way we can tell if the card is bad or not.
Thank you
On the new desktop machine, card and drive work just fine. I see the 232GB drive in Win2K. Darn! So does this mean that the card won't work in the Compaq? I'll write back to support one more time.
I installed the Ultra133 in a different machine, and everything worked just fine. Does this mean that the card isn't compatible with the Compaq? I'm not sure what to try next. Any more advice?
We'll see what they say next.
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