Linux Server Diary

The trials and tribulations of a Linux newbie trying to setup a home server.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Armangil's Podcatcher - Part 5

(See part 4 here)

OK, so I've moved this program to the production server, but not after a little more testing on the play machine.

After looking into file security issues, I've decided to run this under my user, instead of using root. It's better for everyone. This makes all of the settings much easier. Here's the command to run the job:

ruby bin/podcatcher ../podcast_subs.opml -D /export/podcasts -s 0 -S back_catalog -H 2007.10.01 -p -v -r 4

It's running now. We'll see how it goes.

UPDATE: Went pretty well, except the existing directory was called "Podcasts", and I directed the output to "podcasts". In Windows, I could only see the new folder, and I thought that it had deleted all of my saved content. Turns out, Windows (via Samba) handles names that differ only by capitalization by only seeing one of them. I've changed the folder name to all lowercase, so this should be solved.
