Linux Server Diary

The trials and tribulations of a Linux newbie trying to setup a home server.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

HTPC #1 - The Order

For a couple of months now, I've been researching a home theater PC (HTPC) project. Now that my tax refund is on the way, I finally hit the checkout button on my wish list.

I had a couple of goals for this project. First, I wanted to make this unit small and quiet. A mini-ITX form factor fills that bill nicely. Unfortunately, that also limits motherboard and other component choices.

Second, I wanted a decent processor that would last a few years. An Atom was quickly ruled out.

Next, sufficient onboard graphics. Since I'm using a small case, there isn't much room for extra boards, especially a large and possibly hot video card. Here's where I hit some trouble. The boards with a good system like the Nvidia ION seem to all use the Atom processor. Boards that take a beefier processor don't work with ION. The Intel i3 has graphics processing built in, so I went with that.

Other desired attributes:
  • HDMI Video Out
  • Optical Audio Out
  • Compatibiliy with Linux and Boxee or XBMC
  • DVD Playback and Burn
  • WiFi Networking
Why WiFi? It would be difficult and unsightly to run network cable from the media stand downstairs to the router. Using .11n WiFi lets me transfer what I need from the 'Net. Since I'll be storing my media files locally, I won't need the network for normal playback.

Here's the list of components:Everything will arrive in a few days, and the assembly and software installation begins.



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