Linux Server Diary

The trials and tribulations of a Linux newbie trying to setup a home server.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Development Machine

I'm in the beginning stages of a new software project, so I've been experimenting with various tools and services.

To start with, I looked into building a development environment. Since I had decided on using the Python/Django platform for the project, I needed something to take me beyond using GEdit to monkey with text files.

I've heard of Eclipse quite a bit, but I was not familiar with the extent of its extensibility and how developers have taken advantage to extend the platform in all directions. It wasn't until I found PyDev, an Eclispe add in for Python, that I considered using the tool.

Installs of both Eclipse and PyDev were quick and easy, and I'm already liking the results. Once I get more comfortable with Python and get more experience with Eclipse, I feel that I will be happy with the environment.

Something else that I needed for the project was a version control system. I've never used a formal tool, but I've used backups and strict procedures to simulate the process. Since my internet hosting company, Dreamhost, offers quick and easy setup of Subversion respositories, I decided to give it a shot.

Before Eclipse came on the scene, I was using the command line SVN tools to communicate with the repository, and I'm pretty comfortable with the process. However, on a whim I decided to search for a Subversion add-in for Eclispe, and I found Subclipse almost right away. After I installed it and tweaked the connectors for a bit, it is working without issue. Very nice.

Since Python comes with the SQLite dbms included, I haven't thought much about database yet. An advantage of SQLite is that it runs on the client with no additional software to install. Very portable. I can setup MySQL on Dreamhost when testing multi-user, but I'm hoping for a connector to SQL Server or Oracle at some point. That's probably 6 months away.

Finally, I've been looking for a way to organize my thoughts. I'm a notebook guy at work, but I don't want to mix notes on my extra-curricular projects with work related things. Dreamhost also offers Mediawiki installs, so I'm trying it out. It's not the best for taking notes, but it's easy to use. We'll see.

At some point, I may involve others in this project, so the version control tool and wiki will help us share notes and source code. I could also setup a Google Apps domain for email and calendaring.

With all of the tools I'm using, all but one are open source, and even Google Apps is no charge. Imagine trying to do this 10 or 15 years ago, when much expensive Microsoft software would be required to even get off the ground. This modern economic model is great for start ups and small projects. My only cost is for the hosting service, and I set that up more for family use.

I'll report back on the progress in a few months.

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