Linux Server Diary

The trials and tribulations of a Linux newbie trying to setup a home server.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

New Backup Server - Part 4

As I mentioned in Part 3, I found a new guide for the installation and configuration of BackupPC - BackupPC Setup at I'll give it a try.

The first step is to install the pre-requisites:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ssh samba smbfs rsync apache2
sudo apt-get install php5
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
So far, so good. The restart of apache2 completed without incident and I can see a default web page. Just like inPart 2, I'm receiving a hostname error from apache. I'll try to fix it the same way.

That worked well - no problems.

Next, the guide says it is time to install BackupPC.
sudo useradd backuppc
sudo passwd backuppc
sudo apt-get install backuppc
OK, the web interface for BackupPC is up. (I wish I could take a snapshot of this point, so it would be easy to go back in case of problems.)

Next, I'll change the password.
htpasswd /etc/backuppc/htpasswd backuppc
Using the Edit Config tab, I changed the TopDir to /backup, and restart the web server again - just to be sure things are still OK. And they are. I'm feeling pretty good about this.

Unfortunately, as I attempted to restart BackupPC, problems came up. Here's the error:
* Restarting backuppc...
No process in pidfile `/var/run/backuppc/' found running; none killed.
grep: /etc/backuppc/ Permission denied
BackupPC cannot be started because important parameters are missing from
If you just upgraded BackupPC, please update /etc/backuppc/
Which is a pretty poor error message. Why not tell me what needs to be updated?

After thinking about it a little, I looked at access settings on the file. I changed the security levels on the file with sudo chmod a+r, and I was able to get a little further. Now the error on BackupPC restart is start-stop-daemon: Unable to set gid to 1001 (Operation not permitted). Slow progress!

UPDATE: Sometimes I get worked up and miss the easy stuff. The restart of BackupPC should be performed by root, so the correct command is:
sudo /etc/init.d/backuppc restart

More in Part 5.



At 6:58 PM, Blogger steve said...

Good grief, you seem to find quite an array of interesting problems!

One alternative to backuppc you might want to consider is bacula. There was a fairly comprehensive article in this months' Linux magazine about setting it up for backup to disk. There's an older article on their website covering setting it up with removable media, too.

If you want to investigate snapshots, you'll have to use LVM which has support for snapshots of the filesystem. I use LVM all the time in my job as a systems administrator and it makes my life an awful lot easier - I can just allocate more space off the SAN and add it to filesystems and grow them on the fly!

At 9:23 PM, Blogger Dan said...

I think most of my problems come from inexperience and impatience.


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