Linux Server Diary

The trials and tribulations of a Linux newbie trying to setup a home server.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Armangil's Podcatcher - Part 2

(See part 1 here)

I've been experimenting the past few nights with some options for the podcatcher.
-S chron
The strategy option controls the order of and amount of downloads. I used 'chron' to grab any new content
-H 2007.08.01
Horizon is used to set a cutoff date for the earliest download. I wanted to limit the number of downloads (and the time it would take) when working with long running or prolific podcasts
Creates a subfolder for each feed
I've been having the problem of old content being deleted when new content is downloaded, but this option didn't really seem to help.
The verbose mode let me see what the program was doing as it happened

In this snippet of the output, we can see files being deleted.
Deleting: /home/dgentry/podcatcher/cache/ Technology and Entertainment Video Network/Podtech_sameer_zook.mp3
Deleting: /home/dgentry/podcatcher/cache/Rocketboom RSS 2.0 WINDOWS WMV/rb_07_aug_14.wmv
Deleting: /home/dgentry/podcatcher/cache/Rocketboom RSS 2.0 WINDOWS WMV
Fetching: (42257055 bytes)
#EXTINF:-1,[Software Engineering Radio] Episode 65: Introduction to Embedded Systems
/home/dgentry/podcatcher/cache/Software Engineering Radio/seradio-episode65-introToEmbeddedSystems.mp3
Fetching: (1000 bytes)
#EXTINF:-1,[Rocketboom RSS 2.0 WINDOWS WMV] rb_07_aug_15
/home/dgentry/podcatcher/cache/Rocketboom RSS 2.0 WINDOWS WMV/rb_07_aug_15.wmv
Deleting: /home/dgentry/podcatcher/cache/Photos from everyone tagged green/1120072640_cac0ed247e_o.jpg
Deleting: /home/dgentry/podcatcher/cache/dawn and drew tv/dawnanddrewtv-73620-08-05-2007.mp4
Fetching: ...

More later...



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