So, I bought this monitor stand with a plan to place my monitor above the desk and be able to slide the laptop underneath. But first, I had to clean the desk.
I didn't get a before picture, but you can imagine that same big monitor in the middle, with a 17" tube monitor on the right, along with my file server in a vertical stand. On the left was an ancient IBM4019 laser printer with about 18" of motherboard and other component boxes on top of it. In front on the left was a pile of CDs both in and out of cases, and the whole middle area was covered in papers, old bill envelopes, pens, cables, change, paper clips, and other miscellany. It took about 45 minutes and an entire kitchen garbage bag to clear it off.
I placed the monitor stand in the middle of the now pristine desktop, and gently lowered the 19" monitor into its place. The stand immediately bent forward until the fronts of the arms were touching the table. Apparently, it is a little heavy!
So instead, I set things up as you see here, with the laptop on the stand with the file server (the one for which this blog is named) resting comfortably underneath.
I thought I would grab a picture before it gets filled with junk again.
BTW, I still have an unused toner cartridge for the IBM4019 in my garage. I'll sell it for $10 plus postage anywhere in the US and Canada. Contact me here.