Linux Server Diary

The trials and tribulations of a Linux newbie trying to setup a home server.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

BackupPC #5 - Unlocking the Keys

In part 4, I still hadn't resolved the public/private key issue. The problem was that the scp command called for to move the public key from one server to another kept failing. I was typing in the correct password for root, but it wouldn't take it.

Just a couple of minutes ago, I had a 'DUH!' moment. Way back when I was configuring ssh, I disallowed login by root. Yet this was what I was trying to do. After changing that option back to Yes, it worked great.

The keys are merged, and the full backup of the file server has started. I have no idea how long it will take to backup around 50GB, but I'm not going to stay up to find out. Turn to part 6 for the answer.



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