Linux Server Diary

The trials and tribulations of a Linux newbie trying to setup a home server.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Mail Server Resources

I went searching for IMAP links tonight. Here's a few of the better ones:I'm not finding much. I guess there isn't much to configure.

IMAP Book CoverI'll have to do some research on how mail is stored in Linux, and for ways to move my existing mail to the new server once it's ready to go. I suppose that I could just use my mail client to move the folders (There are only five users setup), but that seems so pedestrian. There must be some obscure utility written in Perl that would do it after 2 days of configuration!

Wait! Here are some ideas.

I've found some articles talking about Sendmail or Postfix setup. Lucky for me, I can use the SMTP server at work, so I'm not going to mess with it.

I've been looking around for fetchmail docs, but all I've found is very basic stuff. The articles talk about having a .fetchmailrc file in the home directory. My configuration file is in /etc. Also, it seems that I ran fetchmaild to start the daemon to retrieve mail for all users. (looking around in server directories) Maybe not. I can't find a file with that name. As I sit here, I'm wondering if I ran the normal fetchmail, but since it found the config file in /etc, it started the daemon. It's tough to remember. I'll keep looking.

I do like this Mandrake Server Manual. It looks like it could be useful.

This guy has a Linux setup page that looks interesting. It's good for me to gather up these tip sheets as I find them.

Anyone have any hints or tips on mail?


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