Linux Server Diary

The trials and tribulations of a Linux newbie trying to setup a home server.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Installing CastPodder

I've been using iPodder (now called Juice) on my Windows partition to gather podcasts. Now that I'm running in Ubuntu, I've been looking for a Linux program for the same task. CastPodder is based on iPodder and has a very similar look and function.

I grabbed a .deb package and installed. When I tried to run it, it complained about a missing python module called wxversion. The CastPodder forum wasn't very helpful (since the author and a confused user got into a flame war instead of answering the question).

I found an Ubuntu documentation page that referenced the wxversion package. I decided to try to grab it with sudo apt-get install python-wxversion

No problems! It installed without a hitch. However, CastPodder was now asking for a module called wx. A little more searching through the Ubuntu site found docs for python-wxgtk2.6. After sudo apt-get install python-wxgtk2.6, I was good to go.

I'm not sure yet if CastPodder will start up automatically at boot time. Next time I reboot (after all of these bittorrents I'm downloading are complete), I'll find out.

I wasn't able to find where the Windows program stored the feeds, so I'm just re-entering them. I only have around 10, so didn't take very long. Plus, I decided to trim a few that I wasn't listening to.


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